Maple Sap Collection Schedule
Two people
may sign up to collect sap each day. Names of people
who have already signed up are indicated below. Blank boxes indicate
available dates. For any date(s) you wish to collect sap, please enter your
name into the corresponding box(es), then submit the form.
Note: because it is possible for two people who don’t know each other to
sign up to collect sap together, as your data are processed, an e-mail
message window will also open to send a message to both people (or one, if
only one is signed up) who are signed up to collect sap on that date .
Do not cancel that message! Send it so
that the two of you have each other’s e-mail addresses and can arrange a
time to meet!
One person (one professor, one e-mail address) may sign up for several times
at once. HOWEVER, be forewarned that
if you choose to do so, your browser will attempt to open a separate e-mail
window for each date you have chosen. Thus, if you choose to do
that, please make sure they all get sent.
Maple Creek Map: Bucket Locations
Sap Boiling “Babysitter” Schedule
One person at a time
may sign up to “babysit” the sap while it is boiling. If a second person
signs up for a time already claimed by a previous person, the first person
will get credit for that time.
This involves staying in the vicinity of the boiling sap
(sitting nearby while doing homework is a good idea), possibly periodically
adding additional sap, if needed, and especially,
watching the sap “like a hawk” when the level
is really low and turning off the heat before the finished syrup
burns! Please sign up for two hours at a time — extra-credit points
will be given based on 2 hr of time spent. You will need to check in with
Nick, Fannie, or another member of the lab staff to verify your
participation. Names of people
who have already signed up are indicated below. For any date(s)/time(s)
you wish to help, please enter the requested information
into the corresponding boxes, then submit the form.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
31-Jan not tapped yet |
1-Feb just tapped |
2-Feb |
3-Feb |
4-Feb Fank 10:00 12:25 |
5-Feb |
6-Feb |
7-Feb |
8-Feb Fank 11:00 16:00 Jessica Bowling 16:01 18:01 |
9-Feb |
10-Feb Christina Barger 16:15 18:15 |
11-Feb |
12-Feb |
13-Feb |
14-Feb |
15-Feb |
16-Feb |
17-Feb |
18-Feb Christina 14:30 16:30 |
19-Feb Fank 10:00 13:30 |
20-Feb |
21-Feb |
22-Feb Yousef 16:00 18:00 |
23-Feb Remy 15:30 17:30 |
24-Feb |
25-Feb michala 09:00 12:00 |
26-Feb Michala Chaney 11:00 13:00 |
27-Feb |
28-Feb |
29-Feb |
1-Mar |
2-Mar |
3-Mar |
4-Mar Michala Chaney 08:00 10:00 Savannah Montgomery 12:45 14:45 |
5-Mar |
6-Mar |
7-Mar Cori Huddle 14:00 16:00 |
8-Mar |
9-Mar |
10-Mar |
11-Mar Michala 08:00 10:00 |
12-Mar |
13-Mar |
14-Mar |
15-Mar |
16-Mar |
17-Mar |
18-Mar Michala Chaney 08:00 10:00 |
19-Mar |
20-Mar |
21-Mar |
22-Mar |
23-Mar |
24-Mar |
25-Mar test 09:00 13:00 |
26-Mar |
27-Mar |
28-Mar |
29-Mar |
30-Mar |
31-Mar |
1-Apr test test 08:00 10:00 y5u 11:00 13:00 ssdft 15:00 18:00 |
2-Apr |