Plant or Insect Collection
Download insect or plant labels
Both Rich Text format and HTML format can be opened and edited
by most word-processing software, including WordPerfect and
MS-Word. Save a copy of the desired file to your hard drive, then open in
your word-processing software, and edit it to include the information for the
plants or insects in your collection.
- Rich Text format
- HTML format
Other Things to Include in Your Notebook
Make sure you have all of the following in your lab notebook:
- all handout pages (in notebook or separate protocol book),
including at least the sample, completed plant label on the last page
- all notes you take and drawings you make as we discuss how to put
together a collection
- any other notes you take as you are creating your collection
- your actual collection gradesheet, after your collection is graded
and returned
Copyright © 2004 by J. Stein Carter. All rights reserved.
Based on printed protocol Copyright © 1988 J. L. Stein Carter.
This page has been accessed times since 15 Jun 2011.