Human and Environmental Genetics, Mutations, Birth Defects, Cancer

Human Genetics

Blood Type

We previously mentioned the ABO blood types. Hopefully, you recall that the possible alleles for this gene are IA, IB, and i. From this, the following genotypes and corresponding phenotypes are possible:

Blood Cell Antigens
Blood Cell Antigens
Genotype     Phenotype
}  type A
}  type B
IAIB      type AB
ii      type O

On the surface of all of our cells are antigens which are substances that our immune systems use to distinguish “me” from a foreign invader. For the ABO blood group gene, the A and B alleles code for production of special short-chain polysaccharides which are the antigens. Type O is the lack of A and/or B antigens which are found on the surface of RBCs (red blood cells). In actuality, the O allele codes for a more simple polysaccharide that doesn’t trigger generation of antibodies, but for our purposes, it’s kind of like there’s no O antigen. Our immune systems are supposed to make antibodies against foreign invaders (measles, mumps, kidney transplants, blood transplants = transfusions, etc.) but not against “me”. Normally, someone’s immune system will not make antibodies against any of the antigens on that person’s own cells. That’s why, when someone needs a transplant, an attempt is made to find tissue that matches the person’s own tissue as closely as possible. so his/her immune system doesn’t make antibodies against the transplant and “reject” it.

Antigen-Antibody Reactions

A person with type A blood can/does make anti-B antibodies so can receive blood from type A, and in an emergency, type O (type O is not used unless it is really necessary because that blood would have some anti-A and anti-B antibodies in it and could cause a problem when it mixed with the person’s blood). Type B blood can make anti-A antibodies so can receive type B (and in an emergency, type O). Type AB blood won’t make either anti-A or anti-B antibodies because it has both A and B antigens on its cells, so a person who is type AB can, in theory, receive any any other blood type (but the best idea is still to use only AB). Because of this, type AB is called the universal recipient. Type O, which has neither antigen, can make both anti-A and anti-B antibodies, thus can only receive type O. However, because, in theory, it contains no antigens to sensitize someone with types A, B, or AB blood, it can, in theory, be given to anyone and so is called the universal donor.

Rh Factor

Rh factor is another, totally different, unrelated gene, that just happens to code for another type of cell-surface antigen that also just happens to occur on RBCs. This blood trait was named after Rhesus monkeys where it was first discovered. Actually the Rh gene has multiple alleles, but most people are + or – for the one most common “D” allele, so it’s treated as though it just has two alleles. Thus, Rh+ is the presence of this D antigen (a dominant allele symbolized by R), and Rh is, for our purposes, the absence of any antigen (a recessive allele symbolized by “r”).

A person has alleles for antigens for BOTH the ABO and the Rh blood groups, so if you’re doing a genetic cross where you’re looking at both traits, you have to treat it as a dihybrid cross. For example, consider the cross IAiRr × IBiRr. The Punnett square for this cross would look like:
   IA  IA  iR   ir 
 IB  IAIBRr   IAIBrr   IBiRr   IBirr 
 iR   IAiRR   IAiRr   iiRR   iiRr 
 ir   IAiRr   IAirr   iiRr   iirr 

Notice the “strange” phenotype ratio of 3:1:3:1:3:1:3:1.

A special case dealing with Rh factor is that of an Rh woman married to an Rh+ man. Recall from our discussion on testcrosses that this means, if he’s RR, all of their children will be Rh+ and if he’s Rr, half of the children will be Rh+. Since Rh blood doesn’t have the Rh cell surface antigen, the mother can make anti-Rh+ antibodies, but needs exposure to the Rh+ antigens first to do so. When she’s pregnant with her first baby, hopefully all will be well because she probably has had no previous exposure to Rh+ blood. Blood cells don’t cross the placenta, so her blood shouldn’t be exposed to the baby’s blood and everything should be OK. As the baby is being born, due to the bleeding, etc., some of the baby’s blood will probably come into contact with hers. From this exposure, she can develop anti-Rh+ antibodies. While blood cells don’t cross the placenta, antibodies do, and normally this is a good thing: that’s how a newborn baby gets its immunity for the first few weeks.

However, if this mother becomes pregnant again, anti-Rh+ antibodies will probably go into baby #2’s blood, and if baby #2 is Rh+, these antibodies can react with his/her blood, making it agglutinate. This is when the blood cells clump together due to an antigen-antibody interaction, which is a major problem if it happens in a baby’s body (the baby might need to be given a total transfusion at birth). To prevent this from happening, after the birth of baby #1, the mother is given a shot called Rhogam which contains the very antibodies they’re trying to prevent her body from forming! The idea is that if the mother has antibodies (which are “only” proteins) already floating around in her blood, her immune system won’t get “turned on” and learn how to make antibodies. Antibodies are produced by white blood cells (WBCs) only if/after they have been exposed to an antigen and only if a lot of other WBCs aren’t already making that antibody. Presence of a lot of a particular antibody would indicate that other cells are manufacturing it, so by giving her Rhogam, it tricks her WBCs into “thinking” that “somebody else” is making antibodies so “I don’t have to.” Since antibodies are only protein, they don’t last forever and eventually go away. If her WBCs never get turned on to make more, no more will be made, so by the time baby #2 comes along things should be OK. For this reason, it is also important for an Rh woman to get Rhogam after a miscarriage or an abortion.

When doing blood typing, a drop of each of anti-A, anti-B, and anti-D (= anti-Rh+) antisera (antibodies) is placed into its own circle on a glass slide. Then a drop of the person’s blood is added to each drop of antiserum. If the mixture turns “grainy,” that indicates that agglutination has taken place, therefore the person has/is that blood type. In this photo, the person’s blood reacted with the anti-D antiserum, thereby indicating that the person is Rh+.

Sickle-cell Anemia

Normal RBC
Normal RBC
Sickled RBC
Sickled RBC
Sickle-cell anemia is a mutation of only one nucleotide in the gene that codes for hemoglobin. This is a recessive trait (not really – see following explanation – but for our purposes, it’s easier to think of it that way), so S = normal hemoglobin and s = sickle-cell hemoglobin. SS is a normal person while ss has sickle-cell anemia. Many people with ss die from complications associated with the abnormally-shaped RBCs that result from the sickle-cell anemia. Sickle-cell is common among African Blacks from areas where there’s a lot of malaria. Malaria is caused by a parasite (Kingdom Protista: Plasmodium vivax) that invades RBCs and lives best in normal RBCs, thus people who are SS are more likely to die from malaria. When the parasite invades a RBC with sickle-cell hemoglobin, the cell sickles in response and then is destroyed by the body (and the parasite along with it). The parasites have a harder time multiplying and infecting people who are ss, so ss is fairly resistant to malaria (but dies from sickle-cell). The heterozygote (Ss) exhibits incomplete dominance or codominance: the S allele codes for normal hemoglobin and the s allele codes for sickle-cell hemoglobin, so the person has some of each. Normally the person is OK, but under stress, some RBCs may sickle (don’t send that person up to Denver to run a marathon race). Plasmodium vivax
A photo, taken by Dr. Fankhauser, of a prepared slide
of blood cells infected with Plasmodium vivax
The heterozygote is somewhat more resistant to malaria because the parasites frequently are destroyed when they stress the RBCs enough to make them sickle. The fact that SS people die from malaria and ss people die from sickle-cell while Ss live keeps what otherwise would be a “bad” allele (sickle-cell) in the population. Normally, most “bad” recessive traits eventually breed out of the population as the homozygous dominant and the heterozygote take over but with the sickle-cell allele, if Ss are the people surviving and reproducing, remember that half of their children would also be Ss (and the other half – SS and ss – die from one reason or the other).


Human Chromosomes
A photo of human white blood cells that were specially cultured,
treated with Colcemid, and stained to show chromosomes.
When we’re talking about all of a person’s genes/chromosomes, we refer to that person’s genome, which means all of an organism’s genetic material. To study this in humans, a karyotype is done. This involves obtaining blood cells, growing them in tissue culture for a few days, staining the cells, photographing the chromosomes in the cells, cutting out chromosomes from the picture, and lining them up in pairs by size (#1 to 23). Note that pair #23 consists of unmatched XY, which usually makes the person male, or matched XX, which usually makes the person female. The source of blood for children and adults is a finger prick. For an unborn baby, amniocentesis is done. Karyotyping is used to screen for an abnormal number of chromosomes (for example, three of chromosome #21, which produces Down Syndrome).

Nondisjunction and Trisomy

Remember when we were discussing meiosis, it was mentioned that meiosis in human females is unusual in that it starts during embryonic development, then stops in about prophase I. Once a female reaches puberty, normally one “egg” per cycle goes farther through the process of meiosis. This means that the “eggs” in a 40-year-old woman have been sitting around “waiting” for twice as long as those in a 20-year-old woman, and sometimes they “forget” how to divide properly. Sometimes, both homologous chromosomes in a pair will be pulled to one pole of the cell, while the other end gets none from that pair. Nondisjunction is the non-separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis, and after fertilization, results in the condition of trisomy for that particular chromosome: trisomy 21 produces Down Syndrome. A more general term for possessing an abnormal number of chromosomes is aneuploidy, having extra copies or not enough of certain chromosome(s).

Risks of Amniocentesis

Statistically, it has been shown that there is a correlation between maternal age and chances of having a baby with Down Syndrome. At age 40, a woman’s chances of having a baby with Down Syndrome are about 1/100, and at 45 about 3/100. That’s why doctors want to do amniocentesis on older women. (Interestingly, several years ago when a doctor wanted to do some testing on me, for something totally unrelated, her advice to me was basically, “Don’t worry about it, the chances are only about 20/100 that there might be a problem, so there probably won’t be,” — and there wasn’t). Also, the risk of complications from amniocentesis, including possible premature labor and expulsion of the baby, is about 1/100 and the risk of complications from chorionic villi sampling is about 2/100. Thus, for an “older” mother, the chances of amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling causing a problem, including possible death of the baby, are roughly equal to the chances of having a baby with Down Syndrome, while statistically, a “younger” mother has far less chance of a Down Syndrome baby. Is it worth it? It is also true that the father’s age can affect sperm production thus also influences chances of Down Syndrome too (caused by nondisjunction in meiosis during sperm production).

Because amniocentesis typically can’t be done before about the fourth to fifth month of pregnancy, more doctors now are trying chorionic villi sampling because it can be done earlier. However, this process is more invasive: the mucus plug in the woman’s cervix that seals off her uterus to protect the unborn baby from infection is removed, and instruments are inserted, around (hopefully) the baby, to take a sample of the placenta. The results can be confusing if the technician gets some of the mother’s tissue as well as the baby’s. These procedures are basically used to decide whether to “follow up” with abortion. Because there have been a number of lawsuits (for things such as “wrongful birth” — like, getting pregnant was the doctor’s fault?) against doctors in recent history, most doctors will strongly urge women over 35 to have one or the other of these tests done. For a couple who feel comfortable with the possibility of abortion, these tests can give them some information about their baby’s genetics that could possibly influence their decision, but a couple who are morally opposed to abortion might not wish to risk having one of these procedures performed to gain information that will be more easily observed in a few months when the baby is born. Recently, various insurance companies have suggested making amniocentesis for women over 35 mandatory because it’s cheaper for them to pay for an abortion than medical care for the child for the rest of his/her life, thereby reducing the value of the life of the child to merely the cost of medical care for him/her. What’s your opinion: if a couple has serious moral/religious objections to abortion, do you think their health insurance provider should make it mandatory that they must have amniocentesis and possibly an abortion performed?

Nondisjunction “Disorders”

Nondisjunction also occurs in the sex chromosomes, resulting in conditions such as XO (Turner’s) and XXY (Klinefelter’s). We see nondisjunction of sex chromosomes and chromosome #21 more often because those affect the person LESS, so the person is more likely to live. Most other aneuploids result in death before birth and miscarriage, or death shortly after birth. Sometimes it’s not a whole chromosome, but a big piece, that’s missing, or perhaps a big piece breaks off and attaches to another chromosome before meiosis occurs. Some forms of Down syndrome involve an extra piece of #21 stuck on another chromosome. This is called translocation. There are other possible effects of translocations. For example, if in a man’s testes, just prior to sperm formation, a piece of his Y chromosome, including some of the genes that code for male traits, gets translocated to his X chromosome, and later, a sperm containing that modified X chromosome is the one that fertilizes an egg, the resulting baby would be a boy who has XX chromosomes.

Various Genetic “Disorders”

There are a number of other genetic disorders that “frequently” affect humans. The alleles for these disorders are not equally prevalent in all ethnic groups. Some recessive disorders include cystic fibrosis, which causes an abnormally large amount of mucus in the lungs and is most common among Caucasians (whites); Tay Sachs, which is a neurological disorder and is most common among eastern European Jewish people; and sickle-cell, which was just discussed and is most prevalent in African Blacks. There are also some disorders that are dominant alleles, so if someone is a heterozygote, (s)he will have that trait. Since about the only way someone could be homozygous dominant would be if both parents passed on that allele, most people who have these disorders are heterozygotes. There is, thus, a 50% chance they will pass these alleles to their children, assuming the trait is such that they live long enough to reproduce. One such dominant trait is achondroplasia. In this disorder, if an individual would be AA, that baby would die before birth and the mother would have a miscarriage. An individual with genotype Aa would be a dwarf, and aa is normal height.

Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease is another dominant disorder that is a progressive deterioration of the person’s nervous system that starts in middle age, after the person may already have had children. Because it’s a dominant allele, if a child gets that allele, (s)he will have the disorder (BUT... the severity and progression of the symptoms varies considerably from person to person), thus some couples might choose to not have children if they knew one of them had the allele. There is a genetic test available to tell if a person has Huntington’s, so if a person chose to have this test, a couple could make that decision. Because Huntington’s destroys the nervous system, the person gradually loses control of body and brain functions until the nerves won’t control his/her heart and breathing, then dies. Thus, if a person chose to have the test done, (s)he would know ahead of time that in a few years (s)he could gradually deteriorate into a helpless state. Each time (s)he dropped something or forgot something, (s)he might be tormented by the idea that this was a sign that the disease was beginning. Thus, some people choose to not have the test because the mental anguish of knowing what lies ahead is “too much.” Woody Guthrie, who wrote “This Land is Your Land” inherited Huntington’s from his mother and died of Huntington’s in 1967. His son Arlo Guthrie (who wrote “Alice’s Restaurant”), is now a grandfather and has not shown any signs of the disease, but several of Woody’s other children have died from Huntington’s. What’s your opinion: if you were in that situation, do you think you’d want to have the test done?

Here’s an hypothetical situation (borrowed from BSCS): suppose a big-name company is looking for a very knowledgeable person to work on research and development for an important project that promises to make lots of money for the corporation. Because of this, they’re looking for someone who will stay with the company for 10 or 20 years. In return, they’re willing to pay quite a large salary for this position. The top candidate for the position is a person who is 35, and who has a family history of Huntington’s disease. The #2 candidate’s qualifications are considerably less. If the company hires their #1 choice, there’s a 50% chance that in as few as 5 years, they may be in a position where they’re paying for disability insurance for this person who is now institutionalized and can no longer work, plus having to go through the whole process of hiring someone else to take over in the middle of the project, which could be financially very expensive for them, plus a big set-back due to lack of someone working on the project as the person’s health is starting to decline, during the interview period, and while the new person is “getting up to speed.” Because of this, they’d like to require the candidate to undergo genetic testing to determine if he has Huntington’s and not hire him if he does, but he doesn’t want to know ahead of time if he had the disease, so he does not want to have the test done. This test is not a part of what the company normally requires for all new employees.
What’s your opinion: Should the company mandate this test for this particular person against his wishes? Should they deny him employment if he refuses to have the test done? What if they don’t hire him, and it turns out his symptoms show up very late in life and are very mild and slow-progressing, so he could have made a significant contribution to the company? What if they decide to hire #2, who does a poor job and they don’t make as much money as they had hoped? What if whoever they hire gets killed in a car accident a year later?

Genetic Counselling

Genetic counselling is available to help couples with family histories of genetic problems decide whether to have a baby. Based on things like construction of a family pedigree for the gene in question and possibly some genetic testing, if available, the couple is given information and advised of the chances any children they might have will have that disorder. Once a woman is pregnant, there are a variety of prenatal tests that can give them information about the genetic condition of their baby before (s)he is born. However, many of these tests are not without risks. Ammiocentesis and chorionic villi sampling have already been mentioned. While the book says ultrasound is safe, I’ve heard it suggested lately that the number of times this is done be limited because they just aren’t sure if it really is as safe as it seems. Ultrasound is a non-invasive technique in which very high pitched sound is bounced off the baby, mostly to check his/her size. The thing is, most of the conditions that could be diagnosed via these tests are things that cannot be treated prenatally, in utero.

There are other times when genetic testing and counselling may be useful in weighing the “pros” and “cons” of a situation. Several years ago, I had a student whose mother and several other relatives had died from breast cancer. She was tested for and found out that she had “the breast cancer gene.” She said, “I want to be here for my children and grandchildren,” and made the decision to have a prophylactic double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. More recently, a famous actress has been in the news for making a similar decision.


The Web site Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man is an excellent source of information on human genes.


Interestingly, some “apparently” genetic disorders may be caused by viruses. Some viruses can insert their genes permanently into our cells. Herpes viruses like chickenpox and cold sores, mononucleosis, AIDS, and some others that cause cancer do this. Cervical cancer has been linked to prior infection with genital warts (human papilloma virus, HPV). While some kinds of cancer have been linked to genetic causes (for example, retinoblastoma, a kind of cancer of the eyes, as well as some kinds of breast cancer), others to viruses, (the HPV-cervical cancer connection just mentioned), and still others to environmental factors (smoking and lung cancer), for many kinds of cancer, there is no obvious “cause.”

Cancer cells are genetically different than normal cells. They lack the normal controls on cell division. Recall from the mitosis Web page the “Hayflick Limit” — normal cells can do mitosis about 20 to 50 times, then die, whereas cancer cells are not subject to that limit, and continue to multiply “forever.” Whereas normal cells stay within the organ/tissue of which they are a part, cancer cells can spread to other areas of the body. In tissue culture, normal cells will grow a layer that is one cell thick on the top of the culture medium and stop multiplying when they’re touching and all the available space is filled, whereas cancer cells will continue to multiply throughout the culture medium until they run out of food. As mentioned on the mitosis Web page, all of the HeLa cells that researchers are using for a wide variety of testing purposes all came from one small sample of Henrietta Lacks’ cervical cancer cells, collected back in 1951, over 60 years ago! While she would be in her 90s if she was still alive, now, the commercially available HeLa cells show no signs of stopping. In her body, the cells that were not removed “took over,” metastasising to other areas of her body and wrapping around and into various body organs until those were no longer able to function.

Modern cancer treatment has come a long way since 1951. Back then the main treatments that were used were radium and x-rays. Radium was discovered by and probably also the cause of death of Marie Curie — it’s radioactive and causes radiation burns and mutations in healthy tissue when it was used to kill cancer cells. Henrietta Lacks had her cervix packed with radium and temporarily sewn shut. She and numerous other “victims” of x-ray treatment have experienced burns, sometimes severe, and scarring in healthy tissue that was “zapped” along with the cancer. Yet, many of those treatments were unsuccessful, and people just got worse and died: pain and bodily damage from the cancer was compounded by pain and bodily damage from the treatment. Some of the ways of treating cancer, now, include:

If there is a solid lump that can be removed without too much harm to nearby body tissue, it is often surgically removed. This is commonly done in the case of breast cancer, with the amount of surrounding tissue removed varying from just a tiny bit (“lumpectomy”), to the whole breast (mastectomy) to the whole breast plus a lot of the nearby lymph system. Quite often, at least a sample of the nearby lymph tissue is removed with any cancer surgery. That lymph tissue is examined for the presence of cancer cells because if/when cancer metastasises to other areas of the body, it usually travels via the lymph system. Thus, if the nearby lymph nodes are free of cancer cells, that probably means the cancer that was removed was still contained in that one spot.
Alkylating Agents
These chemotherapy (“chemo”) drugs work by binding onto DNA and changing it chemically so it cannot replicate. The idea here is that normal body cells that are dividing more slowly have time to repair the DNA damage, then go through mitosis, while rapidly-dividing cancer cells won’t have time to repair their DNA, thus cannot replicate. Because these chemicals tend to cause more problems in rapidly-dividing cells, quite frequently rapidly-dividing hair cells, skin cells, and/or mucus membrane cells are also affected, and the person is likely to lose much of his/her hair. One drawback to this type of drugs is that, since they do cause changes in the DNA, if a “good” cell fails to repair the damage (i.e. mutation), that could lead to another type of cancer in the future.
These chemo drugs work by messing up production of the mitotic spindle. Frequently, they do things like bind onto tubulin and prevent it from forming microtubules (of which the mitotic spindle is composed). Again, the idea is that rapidly-dividing cancer cells won’t have time to repair the damage while more-slowly-dividing normal cells should have time to repair and rebuild the mitotic spindle and divide properly. However, once again, hair, skin, and mucus membrane cells are affected, and hair loss may occur. Our cells use microtubules for all sorts of other functions besides the mitotic spindle, and these drugs may also mess up other microtubules. For example, nerve cells, including the long nerves that go all the way from the spine to the feet depend on some very long microtubules to help them function, and if those microtubules are affected, that can result in peripheral neuropathy (tingling and numbness) in the feet.
Antiangiogenic Agents
Rapidly-growing cancer cells need a good blood supply to bring them all the nutrients they need to live, grow, and multiply, and thus, tumors secrete chemicals that stimulate production of lots of new blood vessels into/around the tumor. The root word angio means “vessel, receptacle, container,” and is often used to refer to blood vessels. You may remember that genesis means “origin, birth.” Thus an antiangiogenic agent is anti (against) angio (blood vessel) genesis (origin), which is a fancy way of saying that it inhibits the ability of tumors to stimulate production of new blood vessels to “feed” themselves, with the result that (hopefully) they’ll starve.
Monoclonal Antibodies
This is a very interesting new group of chemo drugs whose action is based on helping the person’s immune system to find and kill the cancer cells One of the first ones to be developed was rituximab (Rituxan®) which targets lymphoma cells. All cells have a variety of cell-surface “ID tags” called antigens on them. One antigen that is especially common on human lymphoma cells is called CD-20. Researchers injected human lymphoma cells into mice, then waited for the mice to build up an immunity to and start making antibodies against the lymphoma cells. Since antibodies are produced by a certain type of white blood cell (WBC), the researchers next drew blood from the mice and cultured those WBCs in tissue culture. Since individual WBCs produce individual antibodies, the researchers selected specifically those which were producing anti-CD-20 antibodies, and grew them in pure culture. Since, as mentioned, regular cells will not continue to divide more than about 20 to 50 times, two researchers named Georges Köhler and Cesar Milstein developed a technique to fuse the mouse cells with human myeloma (a type of cancer) cells so that they could be grown in tissue culture indefinitely. The resulting pure culture of hybrid cells both produced only pure anti-CD-20 antibodies (hence the name “monoclonal”) and could be grown in tissue culture. Köhler and Milstein were awarded a Nobel Prize for their work. Mouse antibodies are just different enough from human antibodies that they aren’t quite as good at triggering a person’s immune system to fight the cells they’ve tagged as “bad guys.” Thus, to make the resulting antibodies even more effective, further genetic manipulation was done to “humanize” the resulting antibodies. After a batch of these cells is grown in tissue culture for a while, the cells and their culture medium are separated, and the anti-CD-20 antibodies are isolated from the culture medium, purified, and then are ready to be administered to a person with lymphoma. Because this type of drug does not target DNA or mitosis, there is no hair loss or other side effects normally associated with chemotherapy. The one common side effect that is seen is development of a strong allergic reaction to the mouse components. Now, a number of other monoclonal antibodies against a number of other types of cancer are in development or clinical research trial stages.
Bone Marrow Transplant
Lymphoma and Leukemia are cancers of some of the cells in the bone marrow that are involved with production of red and white blood cells. While some of the more slowly-growing forms of these cancers can successfully be controlled and gotten into remission via the use of chemotherapy. However, some of the rapidly-growing, very-dangerous forms cannot be as easily controlled that way. Thus, the person is admitted to the hospital and is given very strong chemo drugs that totally kill off all the cells in his/her bone marrow. That means the person has, essentially, no immune system left, and so, must remain in isolation during this procedure. Once his/her own bone-marrow cells have all been killed off, a shot of donor bone marrow cells is given. Once those cells have entered the person’s bones and have started to grow and reproduce and the person’s blood counts are back to normal, the person can eventually come out of isolation and leave the hospital with the cancer not just in remission, but cured.
Radiation and X-Rays
Yes, these are still used, but the processes involved are now a lot more sophisticated and often cause less unintended damage. When x-rays are given, the exact 3-D location of the tumor is pinpointed, the person is carefully positioned, and a rotating x-ray machine is focused such that the tumor, in the center of the path of the beam, receives most of the x-rays while the collateral, normal, tissue receives less. Thus, there is a whole lot less burnt and scarred tissue. I have not heard of massive doses of radiation being used as in the past, but I know of one woman who was diagnosed with very early breast cancer, and had a “lumpectomy” followed by radiation treatment. The way the radiation was administered was a lot more focused on where it needed to be: when her surgery was performed, the surgeon left a small tube in place such that it ended right at the site where the tumor had been removed. A tiny pellet of radioactive material was inserted down the tube to where the tumor had been, left there for a few minutes, then slid back down the tube to remove it. That way, while the tumor site got the correct dose of radiation, the only apparent side effect she experienced was a very mild and short-lived, sunburn-like redness on the surrounding breast skin.
Spices and Other Foods
While none of these have been found, yet, that can replace the toxic chemo drugs, there are several foods that appear to have anti-cancer properties, and thus may be useful additions to the stronger treatments. Turmeric, a plant related to ginger, has bright yellow-orange rhizomes (underground, horizontal stems) that are dried and powdered to use as a spice. Turmeric has been studied and found to have excellent anti-inflammatory properties, and along with that, it appears to have some anti-cancer properties. One of the most recent things I read was regarding the use of coconut oil as a treatment for some kinds of rapidly-growing cancer. Our bodies can use the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil as an alternate “fuel” in place of glucose (and some studies have shown that heart muscle beats more efficiently using MCTs as fuel than with glucose, while brains, especially those of newborns, need a lot of MCT as “fuel”). It turns out that several very-aggressive, rapidly-growing cancers can use only glucose as fuel. Thus, what has been tried is to put the person on a diet that supplies coconut oil and MCTs as fuel, along with foods to supply adequate amounts of vitamins, etc., but with a minimal amount of carbohydrates, especially sugars. That way, the person has all the Calories (s)he needs to function, but the cancer cells, that can only use glucose, are starved and start to die. That alone is probably not enough to treat one of these types of cancer, but it has successfully been used to do things like shrink a large, inoperable tumor down to a small, operable tumor.

Occasionally, a normal cell in someone’s body may mutate, may turn into a cancer cell, but normally, a healthy immune system then no longer recognizes the cancer cell as part of “me” and destroys it. However, if a person’s immune system gets stressed and run-down, that cancer cell might have a chance to reproduce, until it forms a large enough tumor that the immune system just can’t destroy it all. There are a number of things we can do to help strengthen our immune systems and decrease our chances of getting cancer. Things to avoid include tobacco/smoking, a high-fat diet (maybe...), a high-sugar diet, synthetic estrogen pills, x-rays, ultraviolet light from tanning beds and the sun, pollutants like asbestos, etc., and a variety of drugs and chemicals known to be carcinogenic. Things we can do to help strengthen our immune systems especially include eating a high fiber diet; vitamins A, C, E, and beta carotene (found in dark green, leafy veggies); foods like garlic, kale, and broccoli; and antioxidant minerals like selenium and zinc.

One of the books I read a couple years ago pointed out that, now, many kinds of cancer, if caught early enough that they’re still treatable, are analogous to type II diabetes. Both the diabetes and the cancer, if untreated, can lead to death. Both, if treated in an appropriate manner, can be kept under control so the person can lead a fairly normal life. That’s good news considering that, in this country, we’re at a point where, statistically, one out of every two people — half of the population — will be diagnosed with some form of cancer at some point in their lives.


Suppose there was some gene on the DNA:
TAC - CCA - GGC - GCT - GAA - TCA - TGC - CCA - AGC - ACT     

That would transcribe to the RNA version:
AUG - GGU - CCG - CGA - CUU - AGU - ACG - GGU - UCG - UGA     

and translate to the amino acid sequence:
start - gly - pro - arg - leu - ser - thr - gly - ser - stop     

Suppose one of the bases was deleted:
TAC - CCA - GGC - GCT - GAT - CAT - GCC - CAA - GCA - CT?     

This would translate to the amino acid sequence:
start - gly - pro - arg - leu - val - arg - val - arg - ???     

This would cause a frameshift mutation such that the protein that was formed wouldn’t make sense because it wouldn’t have the right amino acids. Also, since the “stop” code wouldn’t be in the right place, nonsense amino acids from the next gene might be added until the next “stop” codon (ATT, ATC, or ACT) was encountered. If this protein was an enzyme that was supposed to do some job in a person’s body, it would not be able to function properly (if at all).
Suppose two of the bases were deleted:
TAC - CCA - GGC - GCT - ATC - ATG - CCC - AAG - CAC - T??     

This would translate to the amino acid sequence:
start - gly - pro - arg - stop - (try) - (gly) - (phe) - (val) - ???     

which would, once again, cause a frameshift mutation. However, once the “stop” codon was reached, translation would stop, resulting in a protein molecule that would be incomplete and unable to function. Note that the “stop” codon did not result specifically because two bases were deleted. That could also occur if just one base was deleted.
Suppose three of the bases that made up one particular codon were deleted:
TAC - CCA - GGC - GCT - TCA - TGC - CCA - AGC - ACT          

This would translate to the amino acid sequence:
start - gly - pro - arg - ser - thr - gly - ser - stop          

where one amino acid is totally “missing” in the center, but the other codons and amino acids remain unchanged. How serious of an effect this would have would depend on where in the protein molecule the deletion occurred.
Suppose three of the bases that were parts of two adjacent codons were deleted:
TAC - CCA - GGC - GCT - GCA - TGC - CCA - AGC - ACT          

This would translate to the amino acid sequence:
start - gly - pro - arg - arg - thr - gly - ser - stop          

Now, not only is the protein one amino acid “short,” but the next one in the sequence is also “wrong.” Again, how serious of an effect this would have would depend on where in the protein molecule the deletion occurred.
Suppose there was an “extra” base inserted:
TAC - CCA - GGC - GCT - GCA - ATC - ATG - CCC - AAG - CAC - T??

This would translate to the amino acid sequence:
start - gly - pro - arg - arg - stop - (try) - (gly) - (phe) - (val) - ???

An insertion mutation of 1 or 2 bases would also cause a frameshift mutation, and thus, could cause the same types of missense or nonsense that a deletion mutation would cause.
Suppose there were three “extra” bases inserted between the existing codons:

This would translate to the amino acid sequence:
start - gly - pro - arg - leu - lys - ser - thr - gly - ser - stop

where an “extra” amino acid has been added in the center, but the other codons and amino acids remain unchanged. How serious of an effect this would have would, again, depend on where in the protein molecule the deletion occurred.
Suppose there were three “extra” bases inserted in the middle of a codon:

This would translate to the amino acid sequence:
start - gly - pro - arg - leu - asn - ser - thr - gly - ser - stop

This would result in codons calling for two “wrong” amino acids in place of the one “right” one that used to be there. Note that this is not a frameshift mutation even though the two new amino acids in the center are incorrect.
Insertion or deletion of three bases would not cause a frameshift mutation and would not change the “other” codons and amino acids other than at the insertion/deletion point. Note that it is possible that the result of this could also be the creation of a “stop” code in an incorrect place. If there was one less or more amino acid in a less-critical portion of the protein molecule, that molecule might still be able to function, but if the insertion/deletion occurred in a critical part of the molecule, the protein could be unable to function properly.

Birth Defects and Environmental Genetics:

We know that some birth defects are genetic, and some are related to substances to which the unborn child has been exposed prenatally. Substances such as ethanol, drugs such as thalidomide, and viruses such as German measles all are known to cause birth defects. Genetic conditions such as cystic fibrosis and PKU also affect newborns.

There are some things a couple can do to help guard the health and proper development of an unborn child. Folacin, one of the B vitamins, can help prevent “neural tube defects” — things like spinal bifida — when adequate amounts are present in the diets of both parents prior to conception and in the mother’s diet while she is pregnant, especially during the first three months when all the baby’s organs are forming. Avoiding alcohol and tobacco smoke (including side-stream smoke) during pregnancy can also help. If you’ve ever been to an x-ray room in a hospital, they all have signs posted that say something to the effect of, “If you think you might be pregnant, let us know before you get x-rays.” That’s because x-rays are mutagenic and teratogenic (tera, terato = a wonder, a monster), that is, they cause birth defects. Because baby girls are born with all the precursor egg cells they will ever have, and those are suspended in mid-meiosis until ovulation and fertilization (and are vulnerable to harm by x-rays: the more x-rays, the more harm), it would be a good idea if girls and women of all ages avoid gettin x-rays, especially abdominal x-rays, unless it is absolutely, positively necessary to do so. Since sperm production in men is ongoing, conventional medical thinking says this shouldn’t be as much of a problem for men, but why take a chance if you don’t have to? Both potential parents should eat a healthy diet from before they try to conceive a baby so that the sperm and egg which form that baby are as well-nourished and healthy as possible at the time of fertilization. For a new, developing baby, the first three months, the first trimester is the most critical time, because that’s when all the organs are forming (what occurs during the second and third trimesters is mostly growth of those organs), but usually, the mother doesn’t even find out that she’s pregnant until perhaps two out of those three months have passed. Thus it is critically important for her to eat a healthy diet and avoid alcohol, smoke, etc., during those first couple months when she doesn’t even know, yet, that she’s pregnant.

Our society is wrestling with a number of ethical issues tied to our modern knowledge of genetics. As citizens and taxpayers, you will be called upon to help set guidelines and legislation to direct what we as a country do with the knowledge of genetics we possess. For further information, please read Dr. Fankhauser’s Genetic Engineering Web page.


Adler, Elizabeth M. 2005. Living with Lymphoma: A Patient’s Guide. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. Baltimore, MD.

Borror, Donald J. 1960. Dictionary of Root Words and Combining Forms. Mayfield Publ. Co.

Campbell, Neil A., Lawrence G. Mitchell, Jane B. Reece. 1999. Biology, 5th Ed.   Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Co., Inc. Menlo Park, CA. (plus earlier editions)

Campbell, Neil A., Lawrence G. Mitchell, Jane B. Reece. 1999. Biology: Concepts and Connections, 3rd Ed.   Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Co., Inc. Menlo Park, CA. (plus earlier editions)

Schlessel Harpham, Wendy. 2003. Diagnosis: Cancer. W. W. Norton & Co. New York.

Marchuk, William N. 1992. A Life Science Lexicon. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA.

Copyright © 1996 by J. Stein Carter. All rights reserved.
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